
Design with us! Star Status Design new dialogue

Discuss with us! Star Status new international online design Dialogue, based on the synthetic plasticity of informal compatible meaningful design Communication, with the support of cooperated statuses, about Design in the complex context of all spheres of life. In this case, the topics of the next conferences are Design and …, which can be understood by each presenting expert independently, from the point of view, defined by the field in which he works, as well as through their creative, scientific or pedagogical activities. It is the collection of such diverse views on the topic that created a very inspiring and innovative composition of information and ideas on Design, Art and Technology. We extend this invitation to all who have cooperated on design-related creations at different design levels. Star Status Design international online design dialogue provides focused overviews on topics of interest for our community. Each conference will be collated into an open-access book of proceedings. You can see the Conference as an opportunity to meet new colleagues and find alternative overviews of your work.

Already cooperated statuses:

studio Balaz, Faculty of Architecture and Design, STU |

dizajnerskakresba.sk |

somastudio |

kreativita.online |

Slovak Art Union – Gallery Umelka/ IAA Europe

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